Personal training

Personal training Personalized coaching

Personal training is above all personalized support with a qualified personal trainer who adapts to each profile to obtain optimal results. Supervised and followed by a professional, you are sure to reach your personal sporting goal more quickly and safely.

Coaching leads to sustainable performance and success, autonomy, and self-realization, thanks to the development of his potential and his expertise.

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    Having the same personal trainer at each session allows you to achieve your results faster.

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    Trained and certified through multiple sports trainings with a strong experience in this field.

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    Holder of a training of prevention of help which allows you to be supervised and serene during your sessions.

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    The strength of a personal trainer is to adapt to all situations. Tailor-made sessions are offered to you taking into account all your characteristics.

The process How does it work?

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    During the briefing, we will review your sports history, your health history and your sports objectives. It will determine the best actions to put in place to reach your goals and will allow us to adapt to the following sessions

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    Health check

    During your first coaching session, we will carry out a health assessment together. This assessment will take into account your sports history, your health history and your objectives. It will allow us to adapt the exercises and their intensity for a tailor-made program.

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    Personal training sessions last one hour. During the session, you will perform targeted exercises that will gradually allow us to achieve your goals.

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    Results report

    Once a month, a check-up is carried out to assess your general state of fitness and the achievement of your goals. The program can then be adapted according to the results.

Training programs Tailor-made sessions

The sessions are highly personalized! We take into account your level of health & your level of sport, your sporting career, your health problems and above all your objectives. You can of course combine the services to have a tailor-made follow-up!

Packages & Prices Our offers

Each workout lasts 45 to 60 minutes and includes a full warm-up and cool-down routine.

  • Session

    € 50
    per session
    This package is ideal for those who wish to train and evolve on their own while occasionally using a personal trainer.
    • 1:1 Training (Individual)
    • Personalised workout session
    • Lifestyle habit coaching
    • Fitness tips
  • Couple/Buddy

    80 €
    per session
    Works out to 40 € / person
    These are sessions for couples or friends who want to train together. It is nice to train with a partner to help each other!
    • Team workout session
    • Lifestyle habit coaching
    • Fitness tips
  • Online

    € 40
    per session
    If your daily life does not allow you to move around much, this package is made for you.
    • 1:1 Training (Individual)
    • Personalised workout session
    • Lifestyle habit coaching
    • Fitness tips

Pricing based on the number of individual personal training (PT) sessions you opt for and on a minimum 4 month commitment.

  • Starter

    1 session /week
    4 sessions /month
    180 € per month
    Works out to 45 € / session
    The starter programme is designed for someone who is just starting out on their fitness journey.
    • 1:1 Training (Individual)
    • Workout programme (monthly updated)
    • Fitness assessments
    • Lifestyle habit coaching
    • Fitness tips
  • Active+

    3 sessions /week
    12 sessions /month
    480 € per month
    Works out to 40 € / session
    This active+ programme is designed for people who already have a healthy lifestyle, who want to invest a little more time and who want to achieve results.
    • 1:1 Training (Individual)
    • Personalised workout programme (updated as required when your fitness level improves)
    • Training plan
    • Fitness assessments
    • Lifestyle habit coaching
    • Fitness tips
  • Custom

    3+ sessions /week
    12+ sessions /month
    Contact us
    Need a package tailored to you and your life and goals? This is for you.
    • 1:1 Training (Individual)
    • Personalised workout programme (updated as required when your fitness level improves)
    • Training plan
    • Fitness assessments
    • Lifestyle habit coaching
    • Fitness tips

Next step Time to reach your goals!

Has it been a long time since you have achieved your sporting goals? Let's work together to help you achieve them!

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    Fed up with gyms?

    You have been a member of a gym for several years, but you have never achieved your goals? Do you go to the gym for 1 or 2 months, then for lack of results you stop everything?

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    Lack of motivation?

    Do you really lack motivation? Do you give up quickly and find all the excuses in the world not to do your sport?

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    Don't know how to do it?

    With all the best will in the world are you trying to get back to sport? Do you feel lonely and you don't know where? when? and what to start?