Weight loss

Many people start to lose weight and manage to lose a few kilos in a very short time, but quite often they regain them immediately afterwards. This is why the help of a personal trainer is essential to achieve this slimming goal.

Weight loss is not the only goal of this program; it is also about finding a healthy and balanced diet and learning to stabilize your weight in the long term.

Objectives of the activity

  • Food rebalancing

  • Better management of your emotions and stress

  • Regain your desired figure

  • Lose weight effectively over the long term

Maximum difficulty of the session

Course of the session

During your first meeting, we will go over your sports history, your eating habits, your lifestyle, and your medical history. All this information will help us to draw up a program adapted to your profile.

You will then be accompanied during several sessions during the week, where you will receive instructions to put into practice every day at home.

You will progress step by step to develop new eating and exercise habits that will help you maintain your ideal weight in the long term.